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Craft an exceptional user journey across web and mobile platforms with our design expertise.

Our expertise lies in crafting exceptional user experiences for web and mobile platforms, driving increased engagement and customer satisfaction for SaaS businesses.



No matter how complex the project flow is we keep UI design easy

SaaS requires a delicate balance of functionality and simplicity. Striking this balance is key to delivering an exceptional user experience. It takes thoughtful planning and execution to turn complexity into ease.

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Solution for it.

Our team takes a holistic approach to design, considering the entire user journey from start to finish. We prioritize clarity, simplicity, and consistency to create a user-friendly experience. With our expertise in SaaS product design, we help companies streamline their processes and achieve their goals.

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Design UX, boost engagement, increase satisfaction.

Designing with the user in mind leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. By focusing on the user's needs, wants, and pain points, you can create products that solve real problems and make a positive impact in their lives. Emphasizing user-centered design sets you apart from the competition and can result in increased conversions and revenue.

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Solution for it.

At Techmates , we use a user-centered approach to design, ensuring that our products meet user needs and deliver a seamless experience. Whether it's creating a mobile app or a web platform, we prioritize usability, delight, efficiency, and fun in our designs.

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Designers and developers – since they're building one thing – should work together as a team. But most of the time, they don't.

The traditional way of working with designers and developers:

A designer creates a design, hands it over to developers.

When developers have questions, the designer is often too busy with other work to answer them.

As a result, new features are delayed in getting to the market.

The consequences of poor collaboration:

Lack of communication leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Designers and developers working in silos means that they're not aligned in their efforts to create a great product.

This results in a subpar user experience and missed deadlines.

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Solution for it.

At Techmates, we understand the importance of close collaboration between designers and developers. That's why we ensure that our designers are closely involved in the development process, working closely with developers to ensure that every aspect of our designs can be brought to life in the most effective and efficient way possible. Our goal is to deliver a product that meets the needs of your users, while also ensuring that it can be delivered on time and within budget.

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A well-designed system minimizes the cost of changes for products that are designed for growth.

At Techmates, we believe in a consistent and user-friendly design that fosters your SaaS's growth. Inconsistent design is a common issue faced by many SaaS companies as they scale.

Different designers at different stages of your SaaS can introduce design inconsistencies, leading to problems like multiple variations of the same color or font styles, and inconsistent call-to-action buttons. This can slow down your SaaS's growth and increase development costs. To prevent these issues, we focus on designing a consistent and user-friendly design system for your SaaS.

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Solution for it.

With a design system in place, we will design your product quickly and efficiently. If you don't have the design system, we can help you establish it so you could scale to multiple platforms maintaining brand consistency and keeping costs down.

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Our UI/UX design process at a glance

Our design process doesn’t play out in a linear order. It looks more like a Window's disk fragmentation diagram. We twist and turn through the design process, looping back and repeating at least one or more tasks in our work process.

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UX Research

Crafting an exceptional app requires comprehending the user persona, the context in which they intend to use the product, and their needs that they strive to fulfill. At the initial phase of user interface design, our research entails delving into these elements with utmost sincerity.

UX strategy

UX (User Experience) strategy is the process of defining how a product or service will meet the needs of its users, while also achieving the business goals of the organization. It involves a high-level plan for creating a positive user experience throughout the product journey, from discovery to purchase and beyond.

The following are some of the key elements that come under UX strategy


User Research

UX strategy starts with understanding the needs, goals, and pain points of the users through research methods like surveys, interviews, and focus groups.


User Personas

Based on the user research, user personas are created to represent different user groups and their needs, behaviors, and motivations.


User Journeys

User journeys map out the steps that users take to achieve their goals, from discovering the product to making a purchase.


Information Architecture

Information architecture involves organizing the information and functionality of the product to make it easily accessible to users. This includes creating sitemaps, user flows, and wireframes.


Content Strategy

Content strategy involves planning and creating content that aligns with the user's needs and the business objectives of the organization.


UX Design

UX design focuses on creating an intuitive, attractive, and cohesive experience that aligns with the brand and meets the needs of the user.


Usability Testing

Usability testing involves observing users as they interact with the product and collecting feedback on their experience. This feedback is used to make further improvements to the design.



Analytics help measure the success of the UX strategy and identify areas for improvement.


Continuous Improvement

UX strategy is an iterative process that involves continuously monitoring and improving the product to meet the evolving needs of the user and the business.

In summary, UX strategy involves a comprehensive plan for creating a positive user experience throughout the product journey, from research to launch and beyond. It includes user research, user personas, user journeys, information architecture, content strategy, UX design, usability testing, analytics, and continuous improvement.

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UI Research

Visual research plays a pivotal role in shaping the UI design. To design a visually appealing and effective UI, we take inspiration from your competition, explore the design styles prevalent in your country and industry, and compile all this information into a moodboard, thereby creating a unique and captivating visual identity.

UI strategy

UI (User Interface) strategy or research involves creating an effective and visually appealing interface for the users to interact with the product or service. It involves a high-level plan for designing the interface that aligns with the user's needs and the business objectives of the organization.

The following are some of the key elements that come under UI strategy or research


Branding and Identity

UI strategy starts with understanding the brand's values, vision, and target audience, and designing the interface that aligns with the brand's identity.


Color Scheme

Color scheme selection is an important element in UI strategy as it helps to create a visual hierarchy and emotional connection with the user.



Typography involves selecting appropriate fonts and font sizes to improve readability and legibility of the content on the interface.



Layout is the arrangement of the interface elements like buttons, menus, images, and text, and it should be designed in a way that it is easy for the user to navigate and use the interface.



Navigation refers to how the user moves through the interface and the design should be intuitive, consistent, and easy to use.


Interaction Design

Interaction design focuses on how the user interacts with the interface, and it includes designing elements like buttons, sliders, and forms.


Visual Feedback

Visual feedback involves providing feedback to the user after an action is taken, like a confirmation message or a change in the color of a button.



Accessibility involves designing the interface that is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.


Usability Testing

Usability testing involves observing users as they interact with the interface and collecting feedback on their experience. This feedback is used to make further improvements to the design.


Continuous Improvement

UI strategy is an iterative process that involves continuously monitoring and improving the interface to meet the evolving needs of the user and the business.

In summary, UI strategy involves a comprehensive plan for designing an effective and visually appealing interface for the users. It includes branding and identity, color scheme, typography, layout, navigation, interaction design, visual feedback, accessibility, usability testing, and continuous improvement.

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Aesthetic style

Our approach to UI design is to meticulously craft each and every element of the user interface, including but not limited to icons, buttons, typography, and color schemes, in a manner that fosters an intuitive experience for your users. The product's appearance, texture, and interactivity is honed to enhance user engagement, resulting in a seamless and delightful user experience.

Design system

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If you have a set of standards for design we will strictly follow them in our process. We can also help you build a Design System that creates consistent, cohesive visual experiences across devices and platforms.

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